Price difference. Usually there is still a certain price difference between genuine golf equipment and counterfeit products in the world. Consumers will have a desire to buy high-quality clubs for less. It is precisely because of this that some criminals will also have An excuse to hide from the sky. What follows is to advocate that its products are smuggled, stolen, illegal agency sales and other reasons to deceive buyers. In fact, a set of genuine golf equipment has to go through multiple extremely cumbersome and complicated processes from production and processing to inspection and testing. The cost is naturally proportional to the retail price. Therefore, you must be careful to take advantage of small gains and suffer big losses.
Assembly workmanship. A fake rod is most commonly used for a period of time, it is very easy to wear and scrap. Therefore, when buying, you must carefully observe whether the workmanship of the joint between the ball head and the shaft is regular and firm. The weak connection is usually easy to break and damage. Fake rods must be full of loopholes in the selection of materials due to their low cost. The quality of the shaft and grip depends on this.
The nuances. The market penetration rate of the new clubs of individual brands is low at the beginning of the market. Some counterfeiters who are eager to make a profit will copy the counterfeit by checking the authentic advertisement introduction or other ways without detailed information. . But it often appears that the cue sleeves and old styles of the old styles are used to mix things up.